Thursday, January 28, 2010

An Introduction

So...if you've been a loyal follower of this blog, you would have witnessed the birth of a masterpiece (Har har. Not really, but I can say that I've done my best), and after all those, you probably can tell what kind of a person I am. But still, there's a tinge of guilt in my conscience, for not having written a proper introduction. (It's just not right!) And, thankfully, since all new entries go to the top of the blog, there's still a shot at redemption. So, let's start afresh.

You've seen the header. (If you've missed it, I can safely say it's a fault on your part, not mine) "Hubert's blog." Well, who exactly am I? Well.

The name's Hubert. Hubert Tang.

Spanning over 13 1/12 years, my lifetime has been filled with ups and downs, joyful and melancholy events. Of course, in the eyes of an optimist, life's full of wonder. The way rainbows form after the rain, the fragrance of flowers, how there's a silver lining in every dark cloud (metaphorically speaking, of course), how the world is just amazing......

I am not an optimist. There are, of course, two ways to view everything in the world: a positive perspective, and a negative one. But, the world isn't always just black and white. Sometimes, there are grey areas. Sometimes, I tend to view the world using both perspectives.

Overall, however, I'm a pessimist. Let's just face the facts: one day, we're all going to die anyway, so why bother? Who cares if we're goners in 2012, or 2072? Why make the world a better place, if you're not going to be here much longer?

Whether you're a king or a street sweeper, we're all going to dance with the Grim Reaper.

But enough of the doom and gloom. Just live life, enjoy it while you can. Enjoy life's thrills, treat those hellish experiences as "character building", and basically, make your time on Earth the best there is. (I am not condoning the breaking of laws.)

Where was I? Ah, yes, the introduction. Throughout my life, I have developed a few likes and dislikes, hobbies and hatreds.

The hobby which I enjoy most is reading. (Damn it, class, read! Gain exposure!) Reading, it's a wondrous experience. You are transported into a whole new realm, the author's universe, viewing it through the eyes of the characters, being in their shoes....but, I really don't have a particular genre that I like. (I can tell you what kind of books I loathe, though. Business books. "How to Get Rich". Oh, the dullness!)

Another hobby, a close runner-up, is playing the guitar. Ask any other musician, really. Playing musical instruments, it has a liberating effect. It helps you to express whatever you're feeling, be it frustration, depression, moodiness...all those pent-up feelings. It also helps you to break free from your daily monotonous life. Well, listening to music also has a similar effect, especially music that you relate to. If forced to pick a favourite genre, it'd have to be rock music. I'd acquired the taste for it after relishing the occasional good music that comes up on radio stations, such as Guns N' Roses or Led Zeppelin, the hidden gems amongst tonnes of garbage. (i.e. pop music)

Also, I love watching movies. Not those Disney-produced three-dimensional, wholly animated garbage, (Ah well, at least they have inspiring messages which teach moral values to children...) but legendary classics, such as Dirty Harry. I notice a trend that all the good things in life have come from the past, while now, in this modern age, we have lost sight of all these.

Finally, a hobby which I have developed over the past year, along with some other friends, is playing on the pull-up bar. (Freestyle!) And, by playing, I mean doing flips, pull-ups, muscle-ups, those kinds of exercises. It's a small trend, initiated by our very own Timothy Seow (A round of applause, if you will) from Track and Field, or pole vault, to be more specific. And they're more fun than they sound. The rush of wind as you flip, or better yet, spin on the's just pure exhilaration!

And, since I'm working on a time constraint, this thus far basically sums up my likes and dislikes, and my view of the world. (Rather shallow, isn't it?) So, enjoy the rest of the entries, because this will probably be the last post, at least until I find the time (and the will) to continue "blogging".

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